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Nadrealizam kao čišćenje uma

Writer's picture: Suzana RudićSuzana Rudić

Večerašnji kum umetnosti je Dominik Turan, skulptor i video umetnik koji živi i stvara u Slovačkoj.

Njegovi video radovi ne oponašaju stvarnost, radovi su simbolika za sebe, spoj nadrealnog i stvarnog, odnosno ličnih umetnikovih doživlja Video art i treba da i bude uvažen upravo zbog pečata koji ostavljaju u svetu današnjice. Dela ovog umenika mogu se podeliti na dva pravca- nadrealno u kome koristi svoje modele i dajem im lični značaj, koji se čak ponekad ne može čitati ako se ne poznaje dovoljno umetnik i njegovo umetničko obrazloženje. Drugi strategijama. Prvi video rad Dominika Turna pripada nadrealnom pravcu u kome on objašnjava svoja stanja duha i različita raspoloženja. Koristi već urađene modele u Blenderu, uglavnom su to autoportreti.

"Četiri jahača"-"Four Riders", video art, 2019.

Kroz ovaj rad Turan preispituje sebe, svoj um i u tome mu pomažu mitološka stvorenja koja stvara u videoartu . Radovi predstavljaju čišćenje uma, sukob pozitivne i negativne energije. Video rad je podeljen na četiri dela u kome umetnikova glava, autoprtret kruži oko svakog ,,jahača’’ koji iz kojih crpi energiju. Ovaj video art se može poistovetiti sa snovima, REM fazom i tada počinju najdublja otkrivanja samosvesti i otkrivanja suštine.

Umetnik takođe daje značaj elementima kao što su voda i zemlja, prazan prostor (vazduh) koji aludiraju na pročišćavanja i slomljenost, bol, ali i borbu, ponovni nastanak bića i reanimaciju psihološkog dela individue. Tako je modelovao sobu u kojoj je je preminuo deda, da bi lakše prevazišao bol. Time je zabeležio beskonačnost prostora i smrti , kao i beskonačnost sećanja u binarnoj crnoj i beloj paletii boja. Sve se vrti u krug, smenjuju se početak i kraj.

"Apparent video", 2018.

Surrealism as a cleansing of the mind

Tonight's godfather of art is Dominik Turan, a sculptor and video artist who lives and works in Slovakia.

His video works do not imitate reality, the works are a symbol for himself, a combination of the surreal and the real, that is, the artist's personal experiences and his personal mythology that he creates. Turan believes that computer applications and games should be given priority because they represent an advantage for postmodern artists at the gallery level in Slovakia. Video art should be respected precisely because of the stamps they leave in today's world. The works of this artist can be divided into two directions - surreal in which he uses his models and hires their personal significance, which sometimes can not be read if you do not know enough about the artist and his artistic explanation. The other direction is guided by neoconceptual strategies.

Dominic Turn's first video work belongs to the surreal direction in which he explains his states of mind and different moods. He uses already made models in Blender, mostly self-portraits.

Through this work, Turan re-examines himself, his mind, and the mythological creatures he creates in video art help him in that. The works represent a purer mind, a conflict of positive and negative energy. The video work is divided into four parts in which the artist's head, self-portrait revolves around each "rider" from whom he draws energy. This video art can be identified with dreams, the REM phase, and then the deepest revelations of self-awareness and discovery of essence begin. The artist also gives meaning to elements such as water and earth, empty space (air) that allude to purifications and brokenness, pain, but also struggle. the re-emergence of being and the resuscitation of the psychological work of the individual. That is how he modeled the room in which his grandfather died, in order to overcome the pain more easily. He thus noted the infinity of space and death, as well as the infinity of memories in the binary black and white palette of colors. Everything turns in a circle, the beginning and the end change.

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